Tag: confident communication

How to Nurture Confident, Clear, and Fluent Communication in the Workplace

Stay focused and empathise, it will help you see things from the sender’s point of view. If you do disagree with what’s being delivered hold your temper. Don’t let emotion affect your understanding. You risk putting the sender on the defensive. Instead, ask questions. Seek to clarify and understand. It also shows the sender you’re listening and encourages a more open dialogue.

Personal Brand is Personal – It’s All About YOU.

As long as you show up as the same person whether online or in real life, you’ll create a personal brand that’s aligned with your values and is congruent with your personality. Don't try to be somebody you think you should be or use language that isn't yours. You’ll be certain to get caught out...

Even Stuntmen Need to Know How to Speak Confidently

Even when you’re a stunt performer you can’t get away from that 60-second elevator pitch! The competition is fierce out there not just for them but for us all! So, consider these things when you are putting together your networking intro...


Better still if you can get on a stage and speak to an audience not only do you increase your reputation as the go-to person in your industry, but you build your Personal Brand. As my guest, keynote speaker and marketing master, Mark Schaefer says ‘Personal brand is Everything!’