Calling all entrepreneurs and aspiring speakers.
What will dramatically strengthen your brand, set you apart from the competition and position you as the go-to expert in your field?
A signature talk, of course.
It’s like writing a book or having a podcast. If you’re an entrepreneur or aspiring speaker, building your own business, then a signature talk is a must-have. It gives you credibility and authority as well as a platform to share your ideas, knowledge, and perspective. It’s also an opportunity to sell yourself and strengthen your brand.
It’s a no-brainer, really.
Once you have that talk under your belt it can be used again and again, refined, and adapted, to fill 10 minutes or 90 mins. To talk to an audience of 10 or 10,000. To present at a business network or an industry event. Online or on stage – a Ted stage, perhaps!
Plus, there is also the added bonus that someone might actually pay you to speak!
Whatever the reason for creating your talk in the process of shaping it you and your business will be transformed.
So, you are an entrepreneur, perhaps a professional or aspiring speaker who realises that to move to the next level you need a signature talk?
You’re open, curious and willing to invest time and money to grow your credibility and personal brand?
You’re excited at the thought of sharing your amazing message/ idea with your audience?
Then why aren’t you doing just that?
Because you’re afraid of speaking in public? You feel daunted and overwhelmed by the task.
This fear and overwhelm means you are missing great opportunities for yourself and your business. It’s stopping you from filling your full potential and holding you from back from sharing your knowledge and gifts with the world.
I understand, I’ve been there. I’ve felt daunted, overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. We all have a voice in our heads saying, ‘what if I mess up? It’s my reputation on the line. What if the audience doesn’t like me? What if I’m boring? What if I can’t get the information across clearly? What if I waffle? What if they think I don’t know what I’m talking about? Worse, still what if they think I’m arrogant because I know too much? What if… What if…’ Aghhh!
There’s a lot at stake. The fear is natural, but the definition of fear is ‘an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.’ The optimum word here is ‘THREAT’, the threat of. It’s not happened yet and is HIGHLY likely not to. So, Stop overthinking. You don’t need to be perfect.
So, now imagine how things would be if you just did it anyway!! What if…
💥 …you were excited to grasp every opportunity to get in front of an audience? To get on a stage or in front of a camera.
💥 …you could share your message confidently, concisely and with gravitas?
💥 …you were engaging, entertaining, funny even?
You have stage presence. You’re a natural (it feels natural).
You own the stage. The audience wants to be part of your community. You have fans!! (Ok, ‘business’ fans but hey, don’t knock it.)
You are in demand because you make your audience FEEL something. They relate to you, they trust you, they like you… they want to buy from you.
What would that mean for your credibility, your confidence, your self-esteem, and your business?
This is what you’ll get if you work with me, credibility, confidence, and CALM. No more saying NO to those presenting opportunities to expand your personal brand. No more overwhelm and anxiety. Only the advantages that come when you present so that people understand what you do and why it’s important.
So, if you are open, curious and willing to invest time and money to grow your credibility and personal brand and want to do justice to yourself and make the most of exciting opportunities then leave a comment and let’s start the conversation.
To find out more about the Speak Like a Speaker Signature Talk 12 week programme click here.
For tips and techniques to help you build your your signature talk and your public speaking confidence sign up to the Power to Speak newsletter. It drops in your inbox every other Friday!
Category: Blog